The IEEE eLearning Library offers high-quality, peer-reviewed online courses in relevant topics. The Library delivers hundreds of course hours in core and emerging technologies, providing professionals, faculty, and students across academic institutions, corporations, and government agencies a better way to learn.

Researchers can use the IEEE eLearning Library to easily stay abreast of the latest developments in related technologies, creating greater synergy with other products and R&D teams and enabling teams to take advantage of greater market opportunities. These courses have been developed by recognized experts in a wide range of engineering and research technologies.

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Innovative and engaging learning anytime, anywhere

Delivered right to your desktop or mobile device to enhance rapid, self-paced learning, the innovative IEEE eLearning Library web-based service offers highly engaging courses that incorporate instructional design and interactive tools to make your learning experience as flexible and effective as possible.

Benefits of IEEE eLearning Library

  • Online courses enable you to get up-to-date quickly on emerging technologies and trends.
  • Learners who pass course assessments through the IEEE Learning Network can earn IEEE digital certificates, including Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and Professional Development Hours (PDHs).
  • Course topics span a wide array of technologies including machine learning, digital transformation, 5G, cyber security, ethical hacking, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, edge computing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain, smart grid, and more.