The IEEE European Public Policy Committee is a committee of IEEE, responsible to the IEEE Board of Directors for the coordination of public policy activities relevant to the interests of IEEE members in European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries, which are designed to benefit IEEE members, engineering professionals, and the general public. Read more about the full committee charter (DOCX, 26 KB). The full list of EPPC policy documents and other publications can be found here.

Jef Beerten, Chair

Jef Beerten

Jef Beerten (SM” 07, M”13) received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium, in 2008 and 2013, respectively. Currently, he is an assistant professor with KU Leuven and EnergyVille. His research interests include future power system dynamics, modeling, and control.

In 2011, he was a visiting researcher at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden, for three months. From April 2014 until March 2015, he was a visiting postdoctoral researcher at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.

Dr. Beerten was the first winner of the ABB Research Award in Honor of Hubertus von Gruenberg in 2016 and received the KBVE/SRBE Robert Sinave Award and the Prix Paul Caseau from the Institut de France - EDF Foundation for his Ph.D. thesis on modeling and control of DC grids. Dr. Beerten is an active member of both the IEEE and CIGRE. He currently is the chair of the IEEE EPPI working group on energy.

Jorge Soares, Vice Chair

Jorge Soares

Jorge is a Research Program Manager with Protocol Labs, a US-based, fully-distributed start-up building protocols, systems, and tools to improve the internet. He is currently based in Porto, Portugal. He holds B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in communication networks engineering, with training in computer science and electrical engineering. He completed a joint Ph.D. in robotics, control, and intelligent systems at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland) and in electrical engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico – Universidade de Lisboa (Lisbon, Portugal) on the basis of his research in distributed and underwater robotics.

His technical interests cover a wide range of topics, from software engineering and communication protocols to sensor networks and marine technology. While a researchers, he worked in multiple national and European research projects and published in several international conferences and journals. Following his doctoral studies, he served as a patent examiner with the European Patent Office (The Hague, The Netherlands), the second largest intergovernmental organization in Europe, where he mainly worked in the fields of human-computer interaction and construction of computers.

Jorge started volunteering with IEEE as student branch chair in 2007, having since served in numerous roles at the section, region, MGA, and corporate levels.

Imran Ansari

Imran Ansari

Imran Shafique Ansari (S’07-M'15-SM’23) received the B.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) in 2009 (with First Honors) and M.Sc. and PhD degrees from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in 2010 and 2015, respectively. Currently, since August 2018, he is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) with University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK. Prior to this, from November 2017 to July 2018, he was a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) with Global College of Engineering and Technology (GCET) (affiliated with University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol, UK). From April 2015 to November 2017, he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate (PRA) with Texas A&M University at Qatar (TAMUQ). From May 2009 through Aug. 2009, he was a visiting scholar with Michigan State University (MSU), East Lansing, MI, USA, and from Jun. 2010 through Aug. 2010, he was a research intern with Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

He has been affiliated with IEEE since 2007 and has served in various capacities. He is serving on IEEE European Public Policy Committee (2023-2024) and IEEE LEO SatS Future Directions since 2022. He has served on the IEEE Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee 2020-2021 and IEEE Communication Society Young Professionals (ComSoc YP) Board 2016-2021. He is part of the IEEE 5G Tech Focus Publications Editorial Board since Feb. 2017. He is an active reviewer for EPSRC research grants, various IEEE Transactions and various other journals. He has served as a TPC for various IEEE conferences. He is a recipient of appreciation for an exemplary reviewer for IEEE Transaction on Communications (TCOM) in 2018 and 2016, a recipient of appreciation for an exemplary reviewer for IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (WCL) in 2017 and 2014, a recipient of post-doctoral research award (PDRA) (first cycle) with Qatar national research foundation (QNRF) in 2014, a recipient of KAUST academic excellence award (AEA) in 2014, and a recipient of IEEE Richard E. Merwin student scholarship award in Jul. 2013.

Dr. Ansari has authored/co-authored 100+ journal and conference publications. He has co-organized the GRASNET'2016, 2017, 2018 workshops in conjunction with IEEE WCNC'2016, 2017 and IEEE Globecom 2018. His current research interests include free-space optics (FSO), satellite communications, underwater communications, physical layer secrecy issues, and reconfigurable intelligent surfaces / intelligent reflective surfaces (RIS / IRS), among others.

Armando Walter Colombo

Armando Walter Colombo

Armando Walter Colombo (Fellow IEEE) joined the Department of Electrotechnical and Computer Sciences at the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer, Germany, became Full Professor in August 2010 and Director of the Institute for Industrial Informatics, Automation and Robotics (I2AR) in 2012. He worked from 2001 until 2018 as Manager for Collaborative Innovation Programs and also as Edison Level 2 Group Senior Expert at Schneider Electric Corp. Prof. Colombo received the B.Sc on Electronics Engineering from the National Technological University of Mendoza, Argentina, in 1990, the M.Sc on Control System Engineering from the National University of San Juan, Argentina, in 1994, and the Doctor degree in Engineering (Manufacturing Automation and Systematization) from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, in 1998.

His research interests are in the fields of Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, Industrial Digitalization, Engineering of Industry 4.0-compliant Solutions, System-of-Systems Engineering, Industrial Internet-of-Things, Intelligent Production Automation Systems.

Prof. Colombo has over 30 industrial patents and more than 300 per-review publications. With his contributions, he has performed scientific and technical seminal contributions that are nowadays being used as one of the bases of what is recognized as “The 4th Industrial Revolution”. He is currently Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Systems Council and Co-editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Open Access Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society (OJIES), as well as member of the IEEE Administrative Committee of the Industrial Electronics Society (IES). He is working as Expert in the KDT-JU ECSEL as well as in the REA of the European Union and EUREKA programs.

Prof. Colombo is listed in Who’s Who in the World/Engineering 99-00/01 and in Outstanding People of the XX Century (Bibliographic Centre Cambridge, UK)

Giambattista Gruosso

Giambattista Gruosso

Giambattista Gruosso is associate professor at Politecnico di Milano. He has 20 years of experience in research issues in electrical engineering and its links with ICT. For years he has been working on systems and components for Smart City, Smart Mobility and Smart Factory. He is director of the master Digital Skills for industry 4.0. He is secretary of the IEEE IES Committee on Transportation Electrification and is an active member of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. He is member of committees for the promotion of ICT for intelligent life. He was secretary of the Italian section of IEEE (2016-2019), member of the local board of engineers (Milan). He is currently also scientific head of the technical area of MADE (competence center for Industry 4.0)

Samina Husain

Samina Husain

Samina Husain brings 25+ years of industry experience in various technology domains: from standards development, satellite systems, software products, telecom infrastructure, broadcast solutions, and consumer electronics. Her industry roles vary from customer operations to project management in North and South America, and Europe.

She received her Bachelor of Electrical Engineering in 1987 from Concordia University, Montreal and her executive M.B.A in “Management of Technology” in 2008 from University of Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.

She is an IEEE senior member; Broadcast Technology Society, Secretary; IEEE Future Directions Conference Ad hoc co-Chair; IEEE Women in Engineering committee member.

Stamatis Karnouskos

Stamatis Karnouskos

Stamatis Karnouskos (IEEE Fellow) is with SAP in Germany, dealing with emerging industrial technologies and enterprise systems. For over 25 years, Stamatis has led efforts in several European Commission and industry-funded projects related to Cyber-Physical Systems, the Internet of Things, industrial automation, smart grids, cloud-based services and architectures, software agents, security, and mobility. He has extensive experience in research and technology management within the industry. He has served on the technical advisory board of Internet Protocol for Smart Objects Alliance (IPSO) and the Permanent Stakeholder Group of the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA). Stamatis has co-authored/edited several books and papers related to emerging technologies and their implications.

David Law

David Law

David Law is a Distinguished Technologist in the HPE Aruba CTO. David serves as the Chair of the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group, the culmination of over 25 years contribution and leadership with the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group.

David’s R&D career with HPE Aruba, including its 3Com acquisition, ranged from development of Ethernet adapter cards, the first stackable Ethernet repeaters, stackable Ethernet switches, as well as being the technical lead on ASIC development teams for stackable repeaters and switching chipsets. Throughout this time David has been a member of the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group, where he has held a number of leadership positions, including Chair of IEEE 802.3 since 2008 and Vice-Chair between 1996 and 2008 as well as IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) governance positions such as chair of the IEEE SA Review Committee (RevCom) from 2008 to 2012 and member of the IEEE SA Standards Board from 2005 to 2014.

David has received the IEEE SA Standards Medallion, the IEEE SA Standards Board Distinguished Service Award, the IEEE SA International Award, the 2016 IEEE Computer Society Karlsson Award, and the 2017 IEEE Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award. David is a co-inventor on 21 issued and 4 pending patents related to Ethernet, Ethernet Switching, and Deep packet Inspection.

David earned his B.Eng. (Hons) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland.

Cecilia Metra

Cecilia Metra

Cecilia Metra is a Full Professor, who has been working since 1991 at the University of Bologna (Italy), from which she received the Laurea in Electronic Engineering and the Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science. In 2002 she was a Visiting Faculty Consultant for Intel Corporation. At the University of Bologna she currently is Deputy President of the School of Engineering and Architecture and Coordinator of the Masters in Electronic Engineering. She is the 2019 President of the IEEE Computer Society (CS).

She has published extensively in the design for test and reliability of integrated systems. Her research has been funded by government and industries, included Intel Corporation, STMicroelectronics, Alstom Transport, the EU, the Italian MISE and MIUR Ministries.

She is/has been Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of the IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing and the CS Computing Now Magazine. She was also the Associate EIC of the IEEE Transactions on Computers. She has been/is a member of the Advisory Board of the IEEE Institute, and on the Editorial Board of several Journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Design & Test, ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems. She contributed to numerous IEEE International Conferences/Symposia/Workshops as General/Program Chair/Co-Chair (14 times), Vice-General/Program Chair/Co-Chair (6 times), Topic/Track Chair (33 times), and Technical Program Committee Member (96 times).

She received two Meritorious Service Awards and five Certificates of Appreciation from the IEEE CS. She is an IEEE Fellow, IEEE CS Golden Core Member, and member of the IEEE-HKN Honor society.

Margarida Trigo

Margarida Trigo

Margarida Trigo possesses a Master's degree in Industrial Electronics Engineering from the University of Minho. She is also a candidate for the doctoral program Advanced Engineering Systems for the Industry, with a research focus on autonomous vehicles. Margarida has several years of experience and currently works as a Product Manager in a Fintech company.

In addition to her industry work, Margarida actively participates in IEEE as a member. She is involved in the Professional and Educational Activities and WIE committees of IEEE R8.

Constantine (Costas) Vournas

Constantine (Costas) Vournas

Constantine (Costas) Vournas is Professor Emeritus in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of National Technical University of Athens, Greece. He has published close to 200 papers in International Journals and Conferences and has co-authored the book “Voltage Stability of Electric Power Systems”. His research interests are in the area of power system dynamics, stability, and control and include voltage stability and security analysis, wind generator integration in power systems, novel control applications in the distribution and transmission grid, as well as the effect of deregulation on power system operation and control. He is Fellow of IEEE since 2005, Life Fellow since 2019, member of CIGRE, Editor of Electric Power System Research International Journal. He was the recipient of the IEEE/PES Prabha Kundur Award for 2019. He was Chair of the IEEE/PES Power Tech Steering Committee (2007-2019), Region 8 Representative on the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Governing Board (2011-2014), and is the immediate Past Chair of the IEEE/PES Power Systems Dynamic Performance Committee. Since 2021 he is Chair of the Energy WG of the IEEE European Public Policy Committee (EPPC). .

Stefano Zanero

Stefano Zanero

Stefano received a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, where he is currently an associate professor. His research focuses on mobile malware, malware analysis, and cybersecurity. He has extensive speaking and training experience in Italy and abroad. He has co-authored over 60 scientific papers and books. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, the IEEE Computer Society (for which he is a member of the Board of Governors), and a lifetime senior member of the ACM. Stefano co-founded the Italian chapter of ISSA (Information System Security Association). He has been named a Fellow of ISSA and sits on its International Board of Directors. Stefano is also a co-founder and chairman of Secure Network, a leading information security consulting firm based in Milan and in London, and a co-founder of 18Months, a cloud-based ticketing solutions provider, and recently co-founded a stealth-mode startup in the FinTech sector.

Past Committee Rosters

2022 Committee:

  • Jef Beerten, Chair
  • Jorge Soares, Vice Chair 
  • Ana Cigarán Romero
  • Armando Walter Colombo
  • Marko Delimar
  • Flavia Dinca
  • Samina Husain
  • Stamatis Karnouskos
  • David Law
  • Cecilia Metra
  • Costas Vournas
  • Stefano Zanero

2021 Committee:

  • Jef Beerten, Chair
  • Jorge Soares, Vice Chair 
  • Ana Cigarán Romero
  • Marko Delimar
  • Flavia Dinca
  • Christopher James
  • David Law
  • Vasileios Kalogirou
  • Antonio Luque
  • Francisco Medeiros
  • Cecilia Metra
  • Dirk Van Hertem
  • Stefano Zanero

2020 Committee:

  • Marko Delimar, Chair
  • Jef Beerten
  • Flavia Dinca
  • Christopher James, Vice Chair
  • David Law
  • Vasileios Kalogirou
  • Antonio Luque
  • Francisco Medeiros-Filho
  • Cecilia Metra
  • Bruno Meyer
  • Jorge Soares
  • Dirk Van Hertem
  • Stefano Zanero

2019 Committee:  

  • Marko Delimar, Chair
  • Jef Beerten
  • Bhaskar Choubey
  • Gordon Day (Corresponding Member)
  • Flavia Dinca
  • Jean-Philippe Faure
  • Christopher James, Vice Chair
  • David Law
  • Antonio Luque
  • Bruno Meyer
  • Stefan Sauermann
  • Dirk Van Hertem
  • Stefano Zanero

2018 Committee:

  • Marko Delimar, Chair
  • Martin Bastiaans
  • Gordon Day (Corresponding Member)
  • Flavia Dinca
  • Margaretha Eriksson
  • Jean-Philippe Faure
  • Christopher James, Vice Chair
  • Bruno Meyer
  • Andreas Neumeier
  • Marina Ruggieri
  • Magdalena Salazar-Palma
  • Stefan Sauermann
  • Dirk Van Hertem
  • Stefano Zanero

For a full committee roster, please see the History of Service Manual (PDF, 759 KB)

Contact the IEEE European Public Policy Committee

If you have any questions and/or comments, please write to​

Massimo Pellegrino
European Public Policy Program Manager
IEEE Technology Centre GmbH
Heinestrasse 38
1020 Vienna, Austria

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