This is a summary of New Initiatives Committee (NIC) approved projects beginning in 2013 through 2023 and the total amount funded. The funding includes the total NIC funds allocated to the project.

Project Description Years Total amount funded
Early Career Faculty Development (ECFD) seed grant project was sponsored by Educational Activities, IEEE Region 8 and IEEE Region 10. Its objectives were to pilot several “proof-of-concept” programs validating the professional needs of Early Career Faculty (ECF) and create a sustainable, fee-based ECF resource portfolio of products and services. Early career resources would be targeted to individuals from zero to five years post-graduation as they transition from student to industry professional or faculty member. 2013 $40,000
IEEE Academic was sponsored by the Student Educational Resources Committee (SERC), University Resources Committee and Educational Activities. The project assists students with their academic learning through an extensive collection of locally-relevant educational content, developed by professors and students working together. Launched with a seed grant in 2013, it became a new initiative in 2015. IEEE Academic now contains more than 508 videos in 7 languages, totaling 72 hours of technical and educational content. 2013-2017 $176,480
China Social Media was sponsored by IEEE Corporate Activities to establish a strong social media presence in China. The objectives were to develop IEEE sites on the four (4) most popular social media platforms in China (Sina Weibo, Renren, Tencent QQ, and Wechat), communicate in Chinese, and attract up to 100,000 followers across the social media platforms over the course of two years. 2013-2015 $158,700
Public Policy Engagement in Europe was sponsored by Corporate Activities. The project will develop and implement an effective and sustainable program to assist the roughly 60,000 European IEEE members to influence and shape European public policy. 2013-2017 $1,234,000
Internet of Things (IoT) was sponsored by Technical Activities, Future Directions Committee, seven IEEE societies and councils, and IEEE Standards Association. It is a cross-disciplinary project to establish IEEE as the recognized world leader in providing information on IoT and the home for professionals focused on IoT and its related technologies. The objective is to create a “one-stop-shop” for IoT intelligence, fund activities to fill gaps in coverage, provide a “One IEEE” view to the IoT community, and serve as the foundation to help build thought leadership. 2014-2016 $1,360,000
Smart Cities Urbanization Challenge was sponsored by Technical Activities, Member and Geographic Activities, and IEEE Standards Association. The project is a global, multi-disciplinary, cross-operating unit effort for IEEE to create a vibrant and worldwide network of cities.  2014-2016 $625,000
The e-government seed grant project was sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society to grow IEEE leadership in the e-government field. The project will increase IEEE’s presence and visibility in the main forums related to this field, become a necessary partner in events, meetings, and other forums, and look for ways to scale and replicate this model. 2015 $45,000
IEEE Big Data Initiative (BDI) was sponsored by 20 IEEE societies and councils, Educational Activities, IEEE Standards Association, Technical Activities, and Future Directions Committee. BDI’s goal is to deliver a single, coordinated message and brand for IEEE to be recognized and acknowledged as a leader in the big data space. 2015-2017 $925,000
Chapter Technical Meeting Recording and Distribution seed grant project was sponsored by IEEE Region 6 and the Computer Society. The project will capture IEEE local section chapter technical meeting presentations and provide a way for these recorded presentations to be stored and accessed by IEEE members.  2015-2016 $80,000
Cybersecurity was sponsored by the Computer Society and Future Directions Committee. It is built on IEEE’s long-standing and world-leading technical activities in cybersecurity. IEEE wants to be internationally acknowledged as a dynamic independent world-leading organization in cybersecurity research and development, policy, and education. It wants to become the professional society of choice for those interested in cybersecurity technology and be a trusted and exceptional source of knowledge for cybersecurity. 2015-2017 $680,000
Green Information and Communications Technology (ICT) was sponsored by Educational Activities, Member and Geographic Activities, Technical Activities, and nine IEEE societies and councils. It will create a multidisciplinary forum for IEEE’s broad technological community to provide leadership on achieving sustainability through ICT as well as to greening, through ICT, in various application sectors.  2015-2017 $805,000
IEEE Standards University was sponsored by IEEE Standards Association and Educational Activities. This three-year project has multiple tracks to expand IEEE’s standards education content and resources for educators, students, and professionals focusing on the development and use of standards; the impact of standards on business; an understanding of patents and standards; and the role of conformity assessment. 2015-2017 $325,000
Professional Education Series Prototype seed grant project was sponsored by the Computer, Power and Energy, Communications, and Signal Processing Societies. The project will develop a prototype continuing-professional-education program and implement the program with a target industry partner in a 12-month period.  2015 $17,000
IEEE Open Source seed grant project is run by IEEE SA. The outcomes of the project include the development of pilot activity under IEEE P2413 working group (WG) for Internet of Things (IoT), a framework for WGs to engage with Open Source, an inventory of existing Open Source activities and an assessment across IEEE, a survey of IEEE members and organizational units, interviews with corporate members, and the exploration of new IEEE business models related to Open Source. 2016 $40,000
Crowdfunding Portal is a seed grant project to create a common equity crowdfunding (CECf) web portal that will allow US-based entrepreneurial/start-up companies in engineering and the physical and life sciences (all IEEE fields of interest) to raise funding to grow their businesses through the sale of equity shares to the public. 2016 $40,000
2030 Careers into the Classroom is a seed grant project to provide a unique and engaging experience to raise students’ awareness of the engineering and technology career opportunities that will be available in 2030. 2016 $40,000
Internet TV show: WebChat is a new initiative to deliver 12 web episodes, each less than ten minutes, to be broadcast exclusively on the Raw Science Web Channel. The project will interweave social issues with STEAM topics and make it appealing to young audiences. 2016-2017 $385,000
Values Based Web and Integrated Social Media Messaging Projectis working with IEEE Region 6, Technology and Engineering Management Society (TEMS) and Society for the Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) to increase traffic to these IEEE sites. The initiative will increase traffic by redesigning the web sites, improving the first click or first “landing” experience, and improved messaging between these IEEE sites and social media channels such as blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Google+, Collabratec, and Pinterest. 2016-2017 $240,000
IEEE Media Sharing Mobile App, sponsored by the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES), will create a mobile app to discuss engineering photos and 30-second videos, share solutions, stimulate ideation, and exhibit innovation within the technical community – an “Instagram for Engineers.” 2016-2017 $38,000
Improving IEEE Xplore Experience: 2nd gen analytics aims to create a data analytics service for IEEE’s digital library and serves end-user needs. The project will replicate and extend the product search and discovery features found on social networks and e-commerce web sites. The project envisions a Personal Assistant model that absorbs the advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence. 2016-2017 $26,000
Task Registries for Lifelong Learning is sponsored by Learning Technology Standards Committee and Technical Committee on Learning Technology. It's original scope is to set up a Task Registry within Collabratec to enable employers to post tasks or pre-internships and to enable students to gain real-world experience at a younger age than traditional internships. The scope has been expanded to explore how IEEE could contribute to the humanitarian cause of providing free computer-based learning, experience, and credentials to those without affordable access to traditional education. 2016-2017 $40,000
IEEE Learning Network is sponsored by Educational Activities and is intended as a one-stop single site for all continuing education products from across IEEE. The project will provide a common platform for IEEE Operating Units like societies, conferences, IEEE-USA, etc. to place their webinars, self-study courses, MOOCs, registration for live offerings and more. 2017-2019 $1,392,500
Rebooting Computing is a multi-OU new initiative project with five major activities: an industrial management function called the International Roadmap for Devices and Systems (IRDS), a new Industry Summit to expose industrial partners to the vision of Rebooting Computing, a Lower Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC), the International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC) serving as a forum for interdisciplinary, technical exchange, and the “AI, Machine Learning and Cybersecurity Confluence” industry engagement activity to pilot a new and novel model for developing trend and roadmap papers. 2017-2019 $672,000
Environmental Engineering, a multi-OU new initiative project, focuses on the creation of a comprehensive Environmental Engineering Initiative (EEI) web portal to facilitate access to activities, knowledge, information, and services within IEEE and contribute to and expand aggregation of the interdisciplinary community in this field both within and outside the IEEE. 2017 $40,000
Enhanced History Timeline, sponsored by the IEEE History Committee, is a project to develop a sophisticated timeline-type tool to excel in presenting a historical narrative in a way that is useful and engaging for the broader public 2017 $40,000
IEEE Young Women in Engineering Network, sponsored by the Australian Capital Territory Section, is designed to establish a network for high school girls with an interest in engineering to provide opportunities and develop sustained significant relationships with like-minded peers and mentors to support and encourage young women in their final years of high school. 2017 34,000
IEEE Summer Camps is sponsored by Educational Activities and IEEE Marketing to develop IEEE Summer Camps for high school students. These camps will extend the IEEE and TryEngineering brands, and make IEEE more relevant to future engineers and technologists and their parents. 2017-2019 $564,710
IEEEMadC is a contest for mobile applications development by students across the globe and sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society. The project goals are to educate and encourage students to build their engineering, team and entrepreneurial skills in order to pursue an engineering career, become more competitive in the industry or start their own company. 2018-2020 $54,500
IEEE Brain Initiative is a multi-year project sponsored by the IEEE Future Directions Committee. The IEEE Brain Initiative is dedicated to advancing technologies that improve our understanding of brain function, revolutionizing our current abilities to reverse engineer neural circuits in both the central and peripheral nervous systems, and developing new approaches to interface the brain with machines for augmenting human-machine interaction and mitigating effects of neurological disease and injury. 2018-2020 $480,000 project is sponsored by IEEE Spectrum and the Robotics and Automation Society. It plans to build the world’s best, most complete guide to robots and robotics. Features over 200 real-world robots, each with photos, videos, ratings, and technical specs, plus robot news, articles, and tutorials. The robots guide will help IEEE to strengthen its leadership role in educating and exciting people about the possibilities of robotics. 2018-2019 $78,000
Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in low-GDP Regions is a pilot program sponsored by the Industry Engagement Committee and Entrepreneurship Committee leveraging IEEE technical expertise and its vast member network to foster ecosystem development of entrepreneurial activities in low-GDP countries. The focus is on developing countries with specific criteria because that is how IEEE can make the biggest impact. The initiative uses a five-step process: Education, Participation, Presentation, Incubation, and Launch to stimulate entrepreneurial activity in low GDP countries. Participants are university students, young professional engineers, investors and technical experts. 2019 $43,700
International Disaster Relief Support is sponsored by IEEE Regions 3, 9, 10, and Technical Activities. The project will investigate, propose a possible solution(s), and validate an approach to disaster relief support which can be used outside the United States. This grant is to explore ways of providing disaster relief by IEEE members in islands such as: Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, and the Caribbean islands including Jamaica and Puerto Rico. This project is of interest to engage members in regions 9 and 10 in particular. 2019 $40,000
Science Kits for Public Libraries (SKPL) is a pilot project sponsored by IEEE Region 4 to demonstrate that Sections can start and sustainably operate their own program. Region 4 will develop web-based tools for training volunteers on how to start & operate the SKPL project, plan & execute fund-raising initiatives and promotion of the SKPL project. 2019 $37,500
Continuing Education for Engineering Professionals in Africa (SKPL) is a pilot project sponsored by the IEEE Africa Council and IEEE Educational Activities. The project aims to support the development of a full New Initiatives proposal to establish sustainable IEEE professional and continuing education resources for practicing engineers in Africa. 2019 $47,000
Digital Reality is a new initiative sponsored by the IEEE Future Directions Committee. The project will explore and enable the coming Digital Transformation through collaboration among technologists, engineers, regulators, practitioners, and ethicists around the world. This proposal stems from results already achieved in the Digital Reality Initiative that are deemed to be worth pursuing independently of the Initiative itself, although they will be synergistic with the Initiative. 2020-2022 $790,000
English for Engineers is an initiative designed to updated this existing IEEE program. The project is sponsored by Educational Activities. 2019-2021 $600,000
IEEE Innovation Nation is a new initiative sponsored by the IEEE Industry Engagement and IEEE Entrepreneurship Committees. The purpose of this project is to launch a pilot program leveraging IEEE technical expertise and its vast member network to foster ecosystem development of entrepreneurial activities in low-GDP countries. The focus is on developing countries with specific criteria because that is how IEEE can make the biggest impact. 2019-2021 $145,300
IEEE Inspire is a pilot program sponsored by the IEEE Sri Lanka Section and IEEE India Office. The purpose of the seed grant proposal is to deliver initiatives such as a seminar series, a database of tertiary educational opportunities, an online content repository, a discussion forum, and more. The program will be implemented in Sri Lanka and India to increase equitable access to educational resources in higher grades. 2020 $39,951
IEEE Leading Technical Teams – Leadership Development Program is a pilot project sponsored by IEEE Human Resources to provide training to managers of technical employees. 2019-2020 $44,780
IEEE Spectrum Redesign is a project sponsored by IEEE Publications to refresh IEEE's flagship magazine. 2020-2021 $675,000
IEEE Future Networks will provide a comprehensive approach to all network connectivity, beginning with development and deployment of 5G toward the great potential it enables, while also envisioning the landscape of connectivity and applications Beyond 5G (B5G) including future generations of Wi-Fi.  2020-2023 $1,155,000
Blockchain Technology Engagement at the Community Level is to grow both member and non-member support for the Future Directions and to engage and encourage unserved or under engaged IEEE members at the local level through IEEE’s organizational model of Section, Chapter, Society, and Council.  The activities supported by this initiative are International Technology Network (ITN), Blockchain Certificate/Certification Program for Engineers (BC-CERT), Vertical Assessment Incubation Center (VAIC), and Blockchain Enabled Transactive Energy (BCTE). 2020-2023 $972,500
IEEE Life Fellows – Capturing an Oral History This initiative will record the IEEE Life Fellows’ firsthand accounts of their work, accomplishments, and life lessons in oral history interviews.  2020-2023 $121,400
Expansion of IEEE REACH  (Raising Engineering Awareness through the Conduit of History) Program is the K-12 outreach program of the IEEE History Center. It supplies free Online Educational Resources for teachers on history of technology for the history classroom through a dedicated website ( The primary focus of the plan is to accelerate their outreach for philanthropic donors, with the goal of finding a single or small number of donors (individual, corporate, or foundation) to fully support the initiative.   2020-2023 $260,000
Industry Relations Platform (IRP) will be a centralized web application for IEEE OUs and committee members to manage all aspects of external entity partnerships, their contacts, and related activities. 2020-2021 $38,802
IEEE Continuing Education for Engineering Professionals in Africa is a new initiative to develop IEEE continuing education resources for practicing engineers in industry and government in African countries served by the IEEE Region 8 Africa Council. 2021-2023 $859,042
International Disaster Relief is a new initiative to implement an IEEE-wide approach to disaster relief, which can be used in different geographies around the world. 2021-2023 $612,775
Reset Career Video Series is a seed grant that focuses on how to recalibrate one's career or business when unexpected circumstances arise. 2020-2021 $15,300
Entrepreneur Workshops for Scientists and Engineers is a new initiative to conduct workshops that introduce topics to enhance one's entrepreneurial skills for the purpose of starting one's own company. 2021-2023 $130,000
Member-centric, Mobile first Spectrum Redesign is a new initiative proposal to redesign IEEE Spectrum's website to accommodate a host of new features. 2020-2021 $675,000
IEEE Education Week is a seed grant to support a weeklong celebration of the impact that IEEE has on education globally. 2021 $40,000
Pilot Testing of Language Translation of IEEE Xplore Content is a seed grant to conduct testing of translation of IEEE Xplore content to Arabic, Chinese, French, Japanese, and Spanish with a special focus on machine translation with AI-based terminology curation and integration for quality, speed, and cost. 2021-2022 $30,000
IEEE Industry Hub is a new initiative to expand IEEE's reach to those in industry. 2022-2024 $1,638,945
Global Pre-University Virtual Classroom Visits is a seed grant to provide opportunities for pre-university students to meet STEM professionals who are themselves from diverse backgrounds. 2023 $40,000
IEEE Pre-University Educational Volunteer Training is a seed grant to create high-quality interactive courses on student-centered educational methods, engineering education pedagogy, collaborative learning approach, soft skill development, and other related topics. 2023 $40,000
Industry Content Pipeline and arXiv Product Evaluation is a seed grant to increase IEEE's relevance to industry by driving industry-relevant content which already exists within IEEE (published and unpublished), alongside new content, into a dedicated product and services pipeline targeted to the corporate market. 2022-2023


Manga for Promoting Gender Diversity is a seed grant to promote IEEE to the next generation, and especially to future female engineers, through a story contest to promote gender diversity. IEEE members will contribute stories that will be evaluated on attractiveness and ability to inspire by WIE's project committee. 2023 $9,000
AskIEEE is a seed grant to develop a web/mobile resource that intends to look and feel like an Encyclopedia and hopes to be a trusted source for quick answers to questions posed by users. It leverages an AI/ML (Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning) ‘combo’ search engine, a domain expert, and uses natural language processing. 2023


IEEE Climate Change Specific Taxonomy Development is a seed grant to create a climate change-specific taxonomy so scholars, practitioners, industry, the media, and the public can more easily find IEEE content in the climate change space and so authors can easily tag their papers related to climate change. 2023
