Quarterly public policy webinars assist European IEEE members in obtaining a better understanding of how the European Union (EU) functions, educate them on which policies are currently discussed between the EU institutions, and help them understand why some EU policies are being prioritized. In particular, through these policy webinars, IEEE members in Europe get thorough insight into how policies are shaped and drafted at the EU level, who the key decision-making institutions are and how they function, how to effectively influence and advocate, and what the key policy priorities are for the EU in the areas of ICT, mobility, health, and energy.

Webinar recordings

Wednesday, 1 December 2021 - The tenth in a series of public policy webinars from the IEEE European Public Policy Committee (EPPC) explored how recent EU policy and legislative initiatives can affect the stability of the electric power grid and what the policy and technology challenges and solutions to address this issue can be. In particular, in addition to hearing the views of the European Commission, participants were briefed on the work being carried out by the EPPC and IEEE-SA on aspects relevant to grid stability.
Wednesday, 30 June 2021 - The ninth in a series of public policy webinars from the IEEE European Public Policy Committee (EPPC) focused on the European Union’s approach to Artificial Intelligence. Building on the recent proposal by the European Commission for the first ever legal framework on AI, the webinar looked at the role and implications for the technology community in laying down harmonized rules on artificial intelligence. Participants were also briefed on the work being carried out and planned by IEEE in the realm of AI, both in the framework of AI standardization and certification activities, as well as in the context of European technology policy.
Thursday, 29 October 2020 - The eighth in a series of public policy webinars from the IEEE European Public Policy Committee (EPPC) was centered on Smart & Energy Efficient Buildings. In looking at what the European Green Deal and the EU Recovery Plan have in store for making buildings smarter and more energy efficient, the webinar focused on the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) for Buildings and the more recent Renovation Wave initiative by the European Commission. Participants were also briefed on the work being conducted and planned by IEEE in the realm of smart buildings, both in Europe in the context of the EPPC and its Working Group on Energy, as well as more globally. In particular, the webinar featured the IEEE's involvement in the European Commission's expert groups and stakeholder meetings on the Smart Readiness Indicator for Buildings.
Tuesday, 7 July 2020 - The seventh in a series of public policy webinars from the IEEE European Public Policy Committee (EPPC) focused on the European Green Deal and the EU Recovery Plan. In addition to reviewing the main policy initiatives and funding proposals contained therein, the webinar used two case studies (one on renewable energy and another one on energy sector integration) to show how the Green Deal and recovery measures are interconnected. Participants were also briefed on the work being conducted by IEEE, notably EPPC, in these two thematic areas, i.e., renewable energy systems and sector coupling.
Wednesday, 8 April 2020 - The sixth in a series of public policy webinars from the IEEE European Public Policy Committee (EPPC) focused on the European Union’s approach to Mobility. In particular, the webinar featured ongoing work and future developments at the EU level in the areas of electrification of road transport, connectivity and data management, and vehicle safety and autonomous driving. Participants were also briefed on the work being conducted and planned by IEEE in the realm of Mobility, both in Europe in the context of the EPPC and its Working Groups on Energy and ICT, as well as more globally (e.g., standards, etc.).
Tuesday 17 December - The fifth in a series of public policy webinars from the IEEE European Public Policy Committee (EPPC) focused on the European Union’s approach to Cybersecurity. Building on the Cybersecurity Reform Package of 13 September 2017, the webinar mapped out the diverse EU entities involved in work on cybersecurity and featured ongoing and possible future policy and regulatory developments at the EU level. Participants were also briefed on the work being conducted and planned by IEEE in the realm of Cybersecurity, both globally and in Europe in the context of the EPPC and its Working Group on ICT.
Monday 23 September - The fourth in a series of public policy webinars from the IEEE European Public Policy Committee (EPPC) focused on the European Union’s approach to Artificial Intelligence. Building on the European AI strategy (April 2018), the coordinated action plan (December 2018), and the work being conducted by the European Commission’s High Level Expert Group on AI since June 2018, the webinar also featured possible regulatory developments on AI which may take place at the EU level in the next policy cycle (2019-2024). Participants were also briefed on the work being conducted and planned by IEEE in the realm of AI, both globally in the framework of the ‘IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems’, such as the P7000 series of standards, as well as in Europe in the context of the EPPC Working Group on ICT.
Friday, 28 September 2018 - This third quarterly policy webinar from IEEE focused on what happens after EU policies are adopted in Brussels. It looks in close detail how EU policies are implemented by Member States, what the role is of the EU institutions in overseeing the implementation phase, and how the EU can ensure that Member States, industry and EU citizens abide by the rules. It includes case studies from the -almost- adopted Winter Package of proposed energy policies to illustrate this process.
Wednesday, 6 June 2018 -  The second in a series of quarterly public policy webinars from IEEE European Public Policy Committee (EPPC). See a full overview of how EU policy is drafted, negotiated, and adopted by using two case studies. Look into the legislative process of law-making for the Electronic Communications Code and the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. These are two EU pieces of legislation on which the EPPC and its Working Groups on Energy and ICT are currently drafting position statements: Spectrum Management and The Role of Smart Buildings, respectively.

Wednesday, 24 January 2018 - This first webinar will center around how policy-making works in the EU, an overview of the EU institutions/relevant institutions for technology and innovation, core competencies and key personnel in the Commission, Parliament and committees, as well as the directorates in the Commission, and what's in it for IEEE's European members.
Contact the IEEE European Public Policy Committee

If you have any questions and/or comments, please write to​ eppc@ieee.org:

Massimo Pellegrino
European Public Policy Program Manager
IEEE Technology Centre GmbH
Heinestrasse 38
1020 Vienna, Austria

Useful links

IEEE European Public Policy e-newsletter

To stay updated on IEEE public policy activities and engagement opportunities in Europe, please sign up to the quarterly e-newsletter.

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