Learn more about how to get involved in your Region. View the links below to go to your IEEE Region's home page or learn about IEEE geographic unit (Section, Chapter, and affinity group) activities in your Region.


Region 1 (Northeastern US)Region 1
(Northeastern US)
Region 2 (Eastern US) Region 2
(Eastern US)
Region 3 (Southern US) Region 3
(Southern US)
Region 4 (Central US) Region 4
(Central US)
Region 5 (Southwestern US) Region 5
(Southwestern US)
Region 6 (Western US) Region 6
(Western US)
Region 7 (Canada) Region 7
Region 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East) Region 8
(Africa, Europe, Middle East)
Region 9 (Latin America) Region 9
(Latin America)
Region 10 (Asia and Pacific) Region 10
(Asia and Pacific)